Answers to common questions regarding Voltex Waterproofing
Will Voltex dry out after being hydrated?
No. Voltex does not dry out after being hydrated in a below-grade waterproofing application. Voltex, once wetted, will remain hydrated even when the moisture content in the adjacent soils decrease. This is because Voltex has been forced-dried at 650°F (330°C) to an 8% bonded moisture content from its natural 25-30%. Therefore, Voltex has a great affinity for water, and once mechanically bonded, doesn't let it go.
Will Voltex work in the high saline soils of coastal regions?
Yes. A special Volclay bentonite, Voltex CR (Contaminate-Resistant), has been designed to work in soils with high concentrations of salts found in coastal regions. Voltex CR is also resistant to other industrial chemicals that may be in the soils. A simple test of the groundwater from the construction site will produce results indicating whether standard Voltex or Voltex CR is required for that specific project.
Does Voltex have to be immediately hydrated after backfilling?
No. Voltex does not have to be fully hydrated upon installation. Like most other waterproofing membranes, Volclay will remain dormant until water comes in contact with the waterproofing. When water does contact Voltex, the Voltex immediately hydrates, forming a low permeable barrier.
For underslab applications, does Voltex require a working mud slab?
No. Voltex, in most cases, does not require a working mud slab to be installed over. The reason for this is that Voltex does not rely on adhesion to function as a waterproofing membrane. Remember, a mud slab traditionally is made of weak concrete mix and usually cracks. Therefore, you are not adhering the waterproofing to the structural slab, but waterproofing the mud slab, which is typically made of a weak concrete mix and is susceptible to cracking. Voltex is also robust enough to endure normal site traffic and will cope with all weathers.
Will Voltex work with property line construction?
Yes. Volclay waterproofing systems are ideal for blind-side property line construction. Simply install Voltex to the retaining wall and pour the concrete in a single-sided form. Typical applications include contiguous and secant piling, steel sheet piling, earth and shotcrete retention walls, and underpinned foundations.
How soon after the concrete pour can Voltex be installed?
Voltex waterproofing systems can be installed to concrete as soon as the forms are removed. There is no seven to 28-day waiting period, therefore, the work can be completed sooner and the project can proceed on time.
Can Voltex be installed in freezing temperatures?
Yes. Unlike most peel-and-stick and fluid-applied waterproofing membranes, Voltex can be installed when temperatures are below freezing. This allows work to proceed in the winter months on time, as scheduled.
Does CETCO offer a warranty?
Yes. CETCO not only offers a product guarantee backed by third party agrement certificate, but also offers an installation warranty. The typical warranty period is one to& ten years. Issuance of the System Warranty requires that the ground worker purchases the Voltex directly from CETCO, and that they receive training from a CETCO Manager. Regular inspections at the discretion of the CETCO Manager should be allowed. Another pre-requisite is that Waterstop-RX be installed in all applicable concrete construction joints. Additionally, if a prefabricated drainage system is required (type C construction), Voldrain ICD would be installed to complete the single-source responsibility. For full details and availability in your area please contact CETCO to discuss.